Legalize Basement Rentals

In New York City, basement rentals are a common reality, providing much-needed housing for residents and supplemental income for homeowners. Despite this, many basement apartments remain unregulated and illegal, putting both tenants and homeowners at risk.

The government should acknowledge the prevalence of basement rentals and take action to legalize them, under specific safety and structural conditions. By doing so, the city can address critical housing shortages, generate revenue through taxes and fees, and offer homeowners a legitimate means to supplement their income.

We call on the government to:

  1. Legalize basement rentals that meet certain safety, zoning, and structural requirements.
  2. Develop clear, reasonable guidelines for basement apartment modifications to ensure they are safe for tenants.
  3. Collect appropriate fees and taxes on legalized basement rentals, contributing to city revenue.
  4. Provide financial support or incentives to homeowners to bring their basements up to code, making it easier for them to comply with the law.

Legalizing basement rentals offers a win-win solution: it provides affordable housing for many New Yorkers while increasing homeowners’ income and generating revenue for the city. We urge the government to act now and create a path for safe, legal basement rentals.

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